Browsing by Author Hajjar, Samer

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Showing results 21 to 28 of 28 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Investigating the concept of brand addiction and its impact on life happiness and self-esteemKaskas, Mariam; Tlaiss, Salma
2018La contestation de la publicité environnementale: perceptions des consommateurs et point de vue des professionnelsHajjar, Samer ; Dekhili, Sihem
2018Mobile banking adoption in LebanonKamaledine, Zaher
2017Peut-on utiliser la provocation dans les publicité environnementale ?Hajjar, Samer ; Dekhili, Sihem
2018The political marketing guideHajjar, Samer 
2020Should we integrate AI in business education programs?Karam, Scarlett
2013Upgrading the performance of a BMW Si engineHajjar, Samer ; Chaaban, Mohamad; Abou Hasna, Firas
2018Why do consumers negatively evaluate green advertising?Hajjar, Samer ; Dekhili, Sihem