Browsing by Author Dagher, Issam

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Showing results 55 to 74 of 91 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Image super resolution using fuzzy and neural techniquesYakoumi, Elia; Olabi, Karim
2018Imaging machine for hidden tanksAbi Saad, Charbel
2015An improved copy-move forgery detection algorithmSaliba, Carole; Shahin, Elias
2017An improved watermarking algorithm using variable block image featureDagher, Issam ; Hanna, Patrick
27-Mar-2018An improved watermarking algorithm using variable block image featuresDagher, Issam ; Hanna, Patrick
2015An improved watermarking algorithm using variable block image featuresHanna, Patrick
2013Improved wavelet wiener estimator in image denoisingDagher, Issam ; Taleb, Catherine
2012Improved wiener estimator in image denoisingTaleb, Catherine
2019Improving the component-based face recognition using enhanced Viola-Jones and weighted voting techniqueDagher, Issam ; Bazzaz, Hussein Al
2019Improving the SVM gender classification accuracy using clustering and incremental learningDagher, Issam ; Azar, Fady
2010Incremental PCA-LDA algorithmDagher, Issam 
2009Iris recognition using biometric identificationJbeily, Christiane Marwan
2006L-p Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network architectureDagher, Issam 
2008Morphological representation of DCT coeffecients for image compressionKhoury, Mirna; Chouaifati, Elias
2018Network of binary SVMs for facial expression recognitionDahdah, Elio; Shakik, Morshed
1999Network security using public key cryptography : a smart card designDagher, Issam ; Nassar, Z.; Kassab, I.
2012Non-linear fuzzy control : LMI vs. sum of squaresGerges, Joseph; Khazem, Mohammad
2024Optimizing occlusion detection in facial images using a combined autoencoder and SVM frameworkAbou Nader, Jana
2002Ordered fuzzy ARTMAPDagher, Issam ; Georgiopoulos, M; Heileman, G.L; Bebis, G
1999An ordering algorithm for pattern presentation in fuzzy ARTMAP that tends to improve generalization performanceDagher, Issam ; Georgiopoulos, M; Heileman, G.L