Browsing by Author Khaldi, Mohamad

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Showing results 44 to 63 of 65 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Robust adaptive cruise control systemJreijiry, Jessica
2004Sensitivity matrices for reactive power dispatch and voltage control of large-scale power systemsKhaldi, Mohamad 
2012Single inverted pendulumDhaiby, Alaa; Chalhoub , Jack
2009Small scaled three floor elevator with auxiliary power for safe stoppingChoughari, Zahi; Haydar, Toufic
2013Small-scale helicopter dynamics, control, and simulationAyoubi, Abdallah Al; Salloum, Ibrahim
2012Smart gridNawwar, Elias; Choucair, Joe
2021Smart grid technology IEEE 6-bus power systemNakhel, Paul
2007Stabilizing a helicopter using model predictive controlAbdelAhad, Elias; Chamchoum, Sayed
2013STATCOM control of Ill-conditioned power systems using dogleg trust-region algorithmTobaji, Eddy; Khaldi, Mohamad ; Fadel, Davy
2016Statcom dynamic modeling and integration in power flowTadros, Amanda
2016STATCOM dynamic modeling and integration in power flowTadros, Amanda; Khaldi, Mohamad 
2009State estimation based optimal control and NARMA-L2 controllers of a scaled-model helicopterKhaldi, Mohamad ; Abiad, Hassan El
1-Jan-2024A Survey for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart Agriculture: Types and Modelling PerspectivesKaram, K.; Mansour, A.; Khaldi, Mohamad ; Clement, B.; Ammad, M.
2005Switching control of a Scaled-Model Three-Floor Elevator (SMTFE)Sahyoun, Ali; Achi, Jamil El
2013Third order dynamical system emulatorSafi, Maha; Atanalian, Sandy
2018Transient stability analysis of single machine infinite bus with different power system stabilizersFahim, Michella; Khaldi, Mohamad ; Frangieh, S.; Chouaifaty, Charbel
2001University of Balamand power analysis and logistical information systemHaddad, Elie; Iaaly, Amal ; Zaidan, George
2009Voice activated mobile robotWehbeh, Hasan; Ali, Houssam
2018Voltage stability indices and maximum MVAR loadabilitySemaan, Nadim
2017Voltage stability indices and maximum MVAR loadabilitySemaan, Nadim; Khaldi, Mohamad