Browsing by Author Harb, Joann

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Showing results 164 to 183 of 183 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Relative importance of lean mass and fat mass on bone mineral density in a group of Lebanese elderly menHage, Rawad El ; Mina, Fadi; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Theunynck, Denis; Baddoura, Rafic
2011Relative importance of lean mass and fat mass on bone mineral density in a group of Lebanese post-menopausal womenHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Baddoura, Rafic
2018Sarcopenia and hip structure analysis variables in a group of Lebanese postmenopausal womenNasr, Riad; Watelain, Eric; Pinti, Antonio; Saddik, Hayman; Maalouf, Ghassan; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Alwan Nassereddine, Abir; Khoury, César El; Fayad, Ibrahim; Hage, Rawad El 
2020Sarcopenia negatively affects hip structure analysis variables in a group of Lebanese postmenopausal womenSaddik, Hayman; Nasr, Riad; Watelain, Eric; Pinti, Antonio; Fayad, Ibrahim; Baddoura, Rafic; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Lespessailles, Eric; Toumi, Hechmi; Hage, Rawad El 
2007Sex effect on catecholamine responses to sprint exercise in adolescents and adultsBotcazou, Maïtel; Jacob, Christophe ; Delamarche, Arlette Gratas; Vincent, Sophie; Ferrer, Danièle Bentué; Delamarche, Paul; Zouhal, Hassane
2012Site-specific effects of trunk fat mass on bone mineral density in a group of adolescent girlsHage, Rawad El ; Moussa, Elie ; Baddoura, Rafic; Jacob, Christophe 
2014Sleep quality is a determinant of hip bone mineral density in a group of young Lebanese menZakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El ; Gautier, Zunquin; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Theunynck, Denis
2016Socio-economic insecurity, anomy and rituals. Sports habits in higher education students of the Opal Coast littoralPorrovecchio, Alessandro; Zakhem, Eddy ; Warnault, Kloé; Caby, Isabelle; Masson, Philippe; Kuehn, Carl; Hurdiel, Rémy; Pezé, Thierry; Gautier, Zunquin; Theunynck, Denis
21-Jun-2024Sprinting performance correlates with composite indices of femoral neck strength in young menChatrieh, Lara; Pinti, Antonio; Hage, Rawad El 
2013Standing long jump performance is a positive determinant of bone mineral density in young adult womenZakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El ; Bassil, Sarah; Moussa, Elie ; Zunquin, Gautier; Theunynck, Denis
2013Surcharge pondérale et paramètres osseux chez des jeunes LibanaisHage, Rawad El 
25-Jul-2024Team sports practice and bone health: A systematic review and meta- analysisZouhal, Hassane; Berro, Abdel-Jalil; Maliha, Elie ; Khalil, Nour; El Khoury, Gisèle; Jayavel, Ayyappan; Laziri, Fatiha; Saeidi, Ayoub; Laher, Ismail; Hage, Rawad El 
2009Total body, lumbar spine and hip bone mineral density in overweight adolescent girls : Decreased or Increased?Hage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Jaffré, Christelle; Benhamou, Claude-Laurant
2017Trabecular bone score in obese, overweight and normal-weight young menAyoub, Marie-Louise; Khoury, Georges El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; El khoury , Cézar; Cortet, Bernard; Hage, Rawad El 
2018Trabecular bone score in overweight and normal-weight young womenBerro, Abdel Jalil; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Pinti, Antonio; Ahmaidi, Said; Khoury, Georges El ; Khoury, César El; Zakhem, Eddy ; Cortet, Bernard; Hage, Rawad El 
2015Trunk fat mass and bone variables in a group of young menHage, Rawad El ; Nasr, Riad; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Zakhem, Eddy ; Khoury, Georges El ; Khoury, César El; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Alwan Nassereddine, Abir; Maalouf, Ghassan
2010Ultrasonographie quantitative osseuse des phalanges chez des volleyeurs professionnelsHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Jaffré, Christelle
2003Variations du volume plasmatique induites par un exercice de sprint chez des sprinters, des endurants et des non entraînés de sexe masculinMoussa, Elie ; Zouhal, Hassane; Piroux, Jacques; Gratas-Delamarche, Arlette; Delamarche, Paul
2018Vitamin D and trabecular bone score in a group of young Lebanese adultsAlwan Nassereddine, Abir; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Rizkallah, Maroun; Matta, Joseph; Frenn, Fabienne; Bachour, Falah; Sebaaly, Amer; Maalouf, Ghassan; Zouhal, Hassane; Hage, Rawad El 
2016Vitamin D Level and Composite Indices of Femoral Neck Strength in a Group of Young Lebanese MenAlwan, Abir; El Khoury, César; Zouhal, Hassane; Maalouf, Ghassan; Rizkallah, Maroun; Khoury, Georges El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El