Browsing by Author Hawi, Jihad

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Showing results 119 to 138 of 167 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Optimization of a vertical axis wind turbine using FEA, multibody dynamics and wind tunnel testingRishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam ; Saba, Nicolas 
2014Optimization of extreme load and break-in period in plain ZDDP oil with FeF3 catalyst using design of experiment and fundamental study under different speedsNehme, Gabi ; Dib, Micheline
2014Optimization of important relief areas in prosthetic socket for below-knee amputees using design of experiment and finite element modelNehme, Gabi ; Ghalambor, Saeed
2010Optimization of mechanism of boundary lubrication in fully formulated commercial engine oil using design of experimentNehme, Gabi ; Dib, Micheline
2017Optimization of the production process of an A-pillar using a differential thickness profile approach via FEASaba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Tawk, Issam ; Daaboul, Michel 
1-Dec-2024Optimizing Suspended Sediment Models: A Novel Expert System with Spatial Probabilities and Isolated PointsSabat, Mira ; Terfous, Abdelali; Ghenaim, Abdellah; Sabat, Macole ; Draybi, Michel; Romanos, Jimmy
2011Passing GIS Know-how from University Students to secondary School Students : pedagogical Approach in developing youngsters Capabilities and Understanding in GISIaaly, Amal ; Jadayel, Roula; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq
2018Pavement management system: an integrated GIS assessment approachSaroufim, Edwina; Iaaly, Amal ; Gerges, Najib N. 
2015Phosphorus reduction in plain and fully formulated oils using fluorinated additivesNehme, Gabi 
2009Power magnetic fields exposure evaluation at north Lebanon: GIS applicationNajjar, Maged B. ; Baarini, Abdel Karim; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq; Iaaly, Amal 
2015Pressure relief in prosthetic sockets through hole implementation using different materialsNehme, Gabi 
2015Properties of EHD Pumps with a Washer-Type GeometryModh, Sachin; Daaboul, Michel ; Traore, Philippe; Louste, Christophe
2017Properties of fuel spray obtained by electrohydrodynamic atomizationDaaboul, Michel ; Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Louste, Christophe
2016Reducing wear debris and increasing lower-limb amputees' comfort by optimizing prosthetic socket designNehme, Gabi ; Ghalambor, Saeed
2016Reducing wear debris and increasing lower-limb amputees' comfort by optimizing prosthetic socket design using local contact pressure relief and implementing appropriate holesNehme, Gabi ; Dib, Micheline
2016Report on analysis of teaching and learning practices in LebanonNasr, Karim ; Khairallah, Megan R. ; Zgheib, Ghania ; Dib, Youssef ; Najjar, Rania Al
2017Semi-continuous strategy for the modelling of damage mechanisms in unidirectional composites under low velocity impactsMahmoud, Bassam; Torrecilla, Marcos Colungo; Navarro, Pablo; Marguet, Steven; Tawk, Issam ; Ferrero, Jean-Francois
2011Service learning and scholarship: experimental learning and community partnership for common goodJadayel, Roula; Iaaly, Amal ; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq
2010Simulation du comportement en tension d'un actionneur electrohydrodynamique de type lame-planTraore, Philippe; Daaboul, Michel ; Louste, Christophe
2012Site evaluation for olive mills waste composting facilityHoz, Mervat El; Iaaly, Amal