Browsing by Author Hawi, Jihad

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Showing results 104 to 123 of 174 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Learning Outcome Assessment : A Demo on the MBA Program at UOBCharif, Husni ; Nasr, Karim 
2006The material force acting on a screw dislocation in the presence of a multi-layered circular inclusionHonein, Elie ; Rai, Habib ; Najjar, Michel
2007Mechanics of laminated composite containing marcel defectsRai, Habib ; Honein, Elie ; Najjar, Michel
2006Mechanics of Laminated Composites Containing Wavy FibersRai, Habib ; Honein, Elie ; Najjar, Michel
2001Micromechanical formulation of multilayered composites in thermoelasticityRai, Habib ; Honein, Elie ; Honein, Tanios; Najjar, Michel
2018Minimizing pain in below knee amputees' patients wearing prosthetic socket by increasing flexibility in specific relief areasNehme, Gabi ; Khalife, Youssif; Chagoury, Antoun; Dib, Micheline
2012Multidisciplinary projects supported by modern educational techniques: the case of "UOB recycles"Jadayel, Roula; Iaaly, Amal ; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq
2010A multilayered solid element used to model composite delaminationTawk, Issam ; Ferrero, Jean-Francois; Barrau, Jean-Jacques; Abdullah, E; Sudre, M
1-May-2024Navigating the water-energy nexus amidst the Lebanese economic crisisFayssal, Nora; Al Tawil, Lara; Danageuzian, Hrair; Sabat, Mira ; ElMerehbi, Hana; Darazi, Dovan; Sabat, Macole ; Roukos, Roy; Dargham, Sara Abou; Romanos, Jimmy
2006A novel theory of damage materials with microstucturesHonein, Elie ; Honein, Tanios; Rai, Habib ; Najjar, Michel
2014A numercial investigation of the skin friction coefficient and nusselt number in a laminar wall jet that evolves from a parabolic velocity profile to its self-similar behaviorIssa, Johnny; Ortega, Alfonso
2004Numerical computation of the heat transfer and fluid mechanics in the laminar wall jet and comparison to the self-similar solutionsIssa, Johnny; Ortega, Alfonso
1-Jan-2023Numerical Estimation of the Electric Force Induced by a Cylinder-to-Cylinder EHD DeviceMatar, Ihssan; Louste, Christophe; Daaboul, Michel 
2016A numerical investigation of heat transfer in a rotating enclosureIssa, Johnny; Saliba, Najib G. ; Dib, Ghady
2016A numerical investigation of the effect of inlet velocity oscillation on heat transfer in a two-dimensional laminar jet impinging on an isothermal surfaceIssa, Johnny; Saliba, Najib G. ; Sidnawi, Bchara
2019A numerical investigation of the thermal and hydrodynamic behaviors of a channel with rectangular pin fins in aligned and staggered configurationsIssa, Johnny; Cheikh, Amina El
2017Numerical modelling of lean duplex stainless steel and assessment of existing design methodsSaliba, Najib G. ; Issa, Johnny
2010Numerical simulation and PIV experimental analysis of electrohydrodynamic plumes induced by a blade electrodeTraore, Philippe; Daaboul, Michel ; Louste, Christophe
2018A Numerical study of heat transfer and fluid flow in a channel with an array of pin fins in aligned and staggered configurationsIssa, Johnny; Saliba, Najib G. ; Cheikh, Amina El