Showing results 82 to 101 of 125
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | On a blossom-based approach for interpolating non-iso-parametric curves by b-spline surfaces | Abbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H |
2016 | On the interpolation of non-iso-parametric curves | Abbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H |
2013 | Online language tools and university students : Role in knowledge management | Zakhem, Imad El ; Melki, Antoine |
2014 | Open source social networks in education | Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine |
2014 | Open source social technologies for teaching computer programming | Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine |
2018 | Open source social technologies for teaching health informatics | Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine |
Jun-2023 | Opportunistic Schedule Selection for Multiuser MIMO FSO Communications: A Security-Reliability Trade-off Perspective | Ridha Shakir, Wafaa Mohammed; Charafeddine, Jinan; Satai, Haitham Al; Hamdan, Hani; Haddad, Samir El ; Sayah, Jinane |
2016 | Optimized energy distribution in wireless sensor networks | Haddad, Samir El ; Girod-Genet, Marc; Sayah, Jinane ; Hassan, Bachar El |
2-Aug-2018 | A Pedagogical Strategy to Teach Entrepreneurship: An Observation Based on Literature | Melki, Antoine |
1-Jan-2024 | Performance Evaluation and Analysis of LightCert4IoT using Cooja-Contiki Simulator | Khoury, David; Haddad, Samir El ; Sondi, Patrick; Haidar, Gaby Abou; Semaan, David; Sayah, Jinane |
2001 | Polygonal complexes for interpolating curves by catmull-clark subdivision surfaces | Nasri, Ahmad H; Abbas, Abdulwahed |
2011 | Profiling user color perception for image retrieving | Zakhem, Imad El ; Ait-Younes, Amin; Akdag , Herman; Greige, Hanna |
2008 | A Proposed Query Optimization Method to Boost Students Use of Search Engines | Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine |
2014 | Proposed search engine algorithm enhancement for arabic information retrieval | Rebeiz, Rouba; Bitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine |
2014 | Proprietary versus Open Source Software in Support of Learning in Computer Science | Melki, Antoine |
2001 | Purposeful matrix operations | Abbas, Abdulwahed |
2018 | The Role of the Instructional Technology Units in Incubating Global Learning in Higher Education | Melki, Antoine |
2009 | The role of the lebanese universities in internet governance at the national level | Melki, Antoine ; Bitar, Amine |
2008 | Routing in Sensor Networks- DSAP Adjustment and simulation | Haddad, Samir El ; Genet, Marc Girod; Hassan, Bachar El |
1-Jan-2006 | Simulation and refinement of directional source aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks | Haddad, Samir El ; Girod-Genet, Marc; El Hassan, Bachar |