Browsing by Author Rizk, Joe

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Showing results 27 to 46 of 125 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012E-Learning at school level: challenges and benefitsDargham, Joumana ; Saeed, Dana; Mcheick, Hamid
2011Early adaptation aspects extraction in web developmentDargham, Joumana ; Aoude, Loa; Karam, Marcel
2013ELGG: an effective open source social media for lebanese higher educational institutionsBitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine ; Chammas, Michel 
6-Dec-2024An End-to-End deep learning system for writer identification in handwritten Arabic manuscriptsChammas, Michel ; Makhoul, Abdallah; Demerjian, Jacques; Dannaoui, Elie 
2019Enhanced face detection based on haar-like and MB-LBP featuresDandashy, Tarek; Hasan, Moustapha El; Bitar, Amine 
2007Enhancing students results in search enginesBitar, Amine ; Melki, Antoine 
2016Entrepreneurship challenges toward entrepreneurship ERADargham, Joumana 
Jul-2019An Epistemological Examination of Interdisciplinary ComputingMelki, Antoine ; Bitar, Amine 
1999Expert Systems : a survey of current trendsAbbas, Abdulwahed
2020Factors influencing students' online learning readiness in a middle eastern higher education institution: implications for online course designZgheib, Ghania ; Daia, Roula Al ; Serhan, Mireille ; Melki, Antoine 
1-Jul-2020Factors influencing students’ online learning readiness in a middle eastern higher education institution: Implications for online course designZgheib, Ghania ; Daia, Roula Al ; Serhan, Mireille ; Melki, Antoine 
2012Feasibility study of electronic prescribing system in LebanonMelki, Antoine ; Harb, Joann ; Nehmeh, Rita
5-Jun-2022Flexible Traceable Generic Genetic AlgorithmKallab, Chadi; Haddad, Samir El ; Sayah, Jinane 
2013FLOSS Contribution in the Development of Entrepreneurial Computing CurriculumMelki, Antoine 
2007A Framework for Rule-Based Systems in CAGD SoftwareAbbas, Abdulwahed
1999Free-form surface design by polygonal strip complexesAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H
2017From Open Source Technologies to Sustainable DevelopmentMelki, Antoine 
1995Functional verification of real-time code : a simplified RS232 software repeater problemKearney, P; Staples, J; Abbas, Abdulwahed; Liu, C.
2015Gamification to support cyber security community education in LebanonMelki, Antoine ; Chatrieh, Moussa
2005Generalized scheme for constructing meshes of catmull-clark subdivision surfaces interpolating net of curvesAbbas, Abdulwahed; Nasri, Ahmad H