Browsing by Author Annous, Samer

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Showing results 26 to 41 of 41 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Le Risque de crédit et la rentabilité bancaire - cas de la « bank of Beirut »Serhan, Carole ; Ibrahim, Nagham; Dankour, Rana
2021Market efficiency in the arts markets using a combination of long memory, fractal dimension, and approximate entropy measures,Assaf, Ata ; Kristoufek, L; Demir, E; Mitra, S.K
15-Jun-2022The mediating effects of psychological states on the relationship of job dimensions to personal and work outcomes, for fresh graduatesSerhan, Carole 
Aug-2023Modeling the effect of continuity and change as paradoxical forces in the inter-generational transition process of family businessesSerhan, Carole 
2016Modeling the effect of core job dimensions and labor market conditions on fresh graduates retentionSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
19-Dec-2024Navigating the change: exploring emotions, psychological safety and organizational support in the transition to home working – insights from the MENA regionSerhan, Carole 
2020Nudging customers to engage in loyal behaviour with reference to supermarkets/hypermarkets in LebanonCharbaji, Suzanne A.; Jibai, Fadi; Dagher, Walid 
2018Predicting NGOs' performance in Lebanon: an econometric approachDagher, Walid ; Charbaji, Suzanne A.
2019Predicting perceived NGOs performance in Lebanon: an econometric approachDagher, Walid 
2018Public sector employees' motivation: causes and effectsSerhan, Carole ; Achy, Eliane Al; Nicolas, Eva
2019Reliability and validity of a modified job diagnostic survey for fresh graduates retentionSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
21-Jun-2024Retaining young employees in the hospitality and tourism sector: the role of workplace context and management practicesCarole Serhan
2015Retention of fresh graduates: identification of determinant factors through a modified job characteristics modelSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini
1-Aug-2023Sports nutrition knowledge translates to enhanced athletic performance: a cross-sectional study among Lebanese university athletesSerhan, Mireille ; Yakan, Mira; Serhan, Carole 
2018Understanding public sector employees' motivationSerhan, Carole ; Achy, Eliane Al; Nicolas, Eva
May-2024Women Entrepreneurs in a Developing Country: Evidences from LebanonCarole Serhan