Browsing by Author Greige, Hanna

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Showing results 15 to 34 of 86 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Biological characteristics of the lessepsian pufferfishLagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin, 1789) off LebanonIndary, Shadi A. ; Boustany, Layal; Nader, Manal 
24-Jan-2024Climate Change at a Crossroads: COP28’s Pivotal Decisions and Lebanon’s Strategic RoleMitri, George 
2-Apr-2009The Coast of North Lebanon Grasping OpportunitiesNader, Manal ; Kramer, Annika; Alexandra, Meliadou; Mossone, Paolo
2-May-2022Consolidating the National Monitoring Capacity of the Impact of Forest and Landscape Restoration Actions on CO2 Sequestration.Mitri, George 
12-Mar-2024Determination of asbestos cement rooftop surface composition using regression analysis and hyper-spectral reflectance data in the visible and near-infrared rangesSabat, Mira ; Fares, Noura; Mitri, George ; Kfoury, Adib 
2017Developing Lebanon's fire danger forecastMitri, George ; Saba, Sabine ; Nader, Manal ; McWethy, David
2014The development of a web-application for improved wildfire risk management in LebanonMitri, George ; Jazi, Mireille; Antoun, Edward; McWethy, David; Kahaleh, Rabih
2016Development of an integrated coastal zone management law in LebanonNader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale 
10-Dec-2019EAF-Based Management Plan for Small Pelagic FisheriesNader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Andary, Shady
2022Effective Marine Protected Area Network in LebanonNader, Manal ; Jamal, Rawan Al; Tahhan, Ranim
2011Efficient forest fire occurrence prediction for developing countries using two weather parametersHajj, Imad H. El; Mitri, George ; Sakr, George E
2007Environment and sustainable development indicators in Lebanon: A practical municipal level approachNader, Manal ; Abi Salloum, Bachir; Karam, Nadim
3-Aug-2012Environmental Resources Monitoring in Lebanon - ERMLNader, Manal ; Jazi, Mireille; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Indary, Shadi A. 
2012Environmental valuation of the north Lebanon coastal zoneDaia, Roula Al ; Nader, Manal ; Saab, Gretta 
2016Estimation of pruning residues from forest, other wooded land, shrubland, and olive trees in the caza of KouraMitri, George ; Karam, J.; Sakr, R.
2014Evaluating exposure to land degradation in association with repetitive armed conflicts in North Lebanon using multi-temporal satellite dataMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Lovett, Jonathan
2014Evaluating fire risk associated with repetetive armed conflictsMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Lovett, Jon C.
2012Evolution of the coast of north Lebanon from 1962 - 2007: mapping changes for the identifications of hotspots and for future management interventionsAbou Dagher, Manale ; Nader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A. 
2018FireLab: an operational toll for improved monitoring and management of fire risk in Lebanon.Mitri, George ; Nader, Manal 
2011First record of diadema setosum (Leske, 1778) (echinodermata, echinoidea, diadematidae) from Lebanon, eastern mediterraneanNader, Manal ; Indary, Shadi A.