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Showing results 52 to 64 of 64 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Jul-2022Repeated assessments and predictors of nurses' shift-specific perceived workloadDhaini, Suzanne R; Abed Al Ahad, Mary; Simon, Michael; Ausserhofer, Dietmar; Abu-Saad Huijer, Huda ; Elbejjani, Martine
2019Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering of magnetic excitations under pressureRossi, Matteo; Henriquet, Christian; Jacobs, Jeroen; Donnerer, Christian; Boseggia, Stefano; Al-Zein, Ali; Fumagalli, Roberto; Yao, Yi; Vale, James G; Hunter, Emily C; Perry, Robin S; Kantor, Innokenty; Garbarino, Gaston; Crichton, Wilson; Monaco, Giulio; McMorrow, Desmond F; Krisch, Michael; Moretti Sala, Marco
Jun-2022SARS-CoV-2 involvement in central nervous system tissue damageHaidar, Muhammad Ali; Shakkour, Zaynab; Reslan, Mohammad Amine; Al-Haj, Nadine; Chamoun, Perla; Habashy, Karl; Kaafarani, Hasan; Shahjouei, Shima; Farran, Sarah H; Shaito, Abdullah; Saba, Esber S; Badran, Bassam; Sabra, Mirna; Kobeissy, Firas; Bizri, Maya
2017Seroprevalence of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies Among Lebanese Pregnant WomenNahouli, Hasan; El Arnaout, Nour; Chalhoub, Elias; Anastadiadis, Elie; El Hajj, Hiba
1-Jan-2017Stocktaking forestry knowledge in eastern mediterranean: A glimpse on where do practitioners standSattout, Elsa; Faour, Ghaleb; Sarraf, Nadia El
2018Surveillance Study of Acute Gastroenteritis Etiologies in Hospitalized Children in South Lebanon (SAGE study)Ghssein, Ghassan; Salami, Ali; Salloum, Lamis; Chedid, Pia; Joumaa, Wissam H; Fakih, Hadi
27-Jul-2022Telehealth-Based Delivery of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: a Critical Review of Recent DevelopmentsMahmoud, Hossam; Naal, Hady; Whaibeh, Emile; Smith, Alyson
2020Telemental Health in the Context of a Pandemic: the COVID-19 ExperienceWhaibeh, Emile; Mahmoud, Hossam; Naal, Hady
2021Trust and armed conflict in solid waste management: a case study of the Al-Fayhaa Union, LebanonAbbas, Nivine H. 
2020Using frame analysis to re-analyse the results of inductive thematic analysis: A methodological discussion of investigating meanings and learning contexts in baccalaureate nurse educationClinton, Michael; Doumit, Myrna; Ezzeddine, Sawsan; Rizk, Ursula
2017Utilization of social media and web forums by HIV patients - A cross-sectional study on adherence and reported anxiety levelLonginetti, Elisa; Manoharan, Vinoth; Ayoub, Hala; Surkan, Pamela J; El-Khatib, Ziad
2020Western diet aggravates neuronal insult in post-traumatic brain injury: Proposed pathways for interplayShaito, Abdullah; Hasan, Hiba; Habashy, Karl John; Fakih, Walaa; Abdelhady, Samar; Ahmad, Fatima; Zibara, Kazem; Eid, Ali H; El-Yazbi, Ahmed F; Kobeissy, Firas H
2020أنشطة التاّلف : دليل المدرب إلى افضل الأنشطة التي يمكن استعمالها خلال التدريبات و ورش العملجامعة البلمند. كلية الصحة العامة وعلومها