Browsing by Author Ayoubi, Rafic

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 64  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20123D RouterMolla, Mohamad; Hassoun, Wassim
2015Android shopping application with QR-codes using NFC and Raspberry Pi boardMourad, Moutaz; Attieh, Tony
2023Chebyshev approximation technique: analysis and applicationsNicolas, Elie
1-Jan-2024Chebyshev approximation technique: analysis and applicationsNicolas, Elie; Ayoubi, Rafic ; Berjaoui, Samir
2019Constant time hardware architecture for a gaussian smoothing filterAkkad, Ghattas ; Ayoubi, Rafic ; Abche, Antoine 
2007Design and realization of analog Phi-function for LDPC decoderBaker, A; Ghosh, Soumik; Kumar, Ashok; Bayoumi, Magdy A.; Ayoubi, Rafic 
2011Design of a quad pic-based multicore processorRajab, Diaa; Ferri, Ibrahim
2011Design of an auto-tracking systemKhawla, Hussein; Akl, Toufic
2017The development and implementation of a JAVA-based software for online bankingMouez, Jimmy
2009ECG signal sent via bluetoothKassem, Hayssam; Jarkas, Wissam; Fadel, Imad
2004An efficient and fault tolerant algorithm for multilayer neural networkAyoubi, Rafic ; Ziade, Haissam; Bayoumi, Magdy A.
2005Efficient hardware implementation of ANNS on special purpose parallel architectureMerhi, Zaher
2007Efficient implementation of Hopfield neural network on FPGAMansour, Wassim
2002An efficient implementation of multi-layer perceptron on mesh architectureAyoubi, Rafic ; Bayoumi, Magdy A.
2003Efficient mapping algorithm of multilayer neural network on torus architectureAyoubi, Rafic ; Bayoumi, Magdy A.
2002An efficient mapping algorithm of multilayer perceptron on mesh-connected architecturesAyoubi, Rafic ; Bayoumi, Magdy A.; Chouemi, A. El
2009Efficient parallel implementation of sorting algorithms on EPGAIstambouli, Samer
2014Efficient serial implementation of Odd-Even transposition sort on FPGAAkkad, Ghattas 
1999Electronic display boardEid, Wissam; Rifai, Rami
1996The extended cube connected cycles : an efficient interconnection for massively parallel systemsAyoubi, Rafic ; Malluhi, Qutaibah; Bayoumi, Magdy A.